For areas with heavy shade, Elite Tall Fescue may be your best choice. This is a low, medium textured, slow growing but aggressive grass that can produce a dense, attractive, weed-free turf. It is also known as common, winter, domestic, Oregon, and Italian ryegrass. Zenith Zoysia® is a shade tolerant warm season grasses available in Georgia and the Atlanta Area. Compared with common bermuda, these grasses have more disease resistance, greater turf density, better weed resistance, fewer seedheads, finer and softer texture and more favorable color. We love it and the kids love it more. Centipede does not require much fertilizer or mowing, and compared to other lawn grasses, is generally resistant to most insects and diseases. Warm-season grasses grow best during the warm months (80 degrees-95 degrees F) of spring, summer and early fall. Browse and purchase gardening books by Walter Reeves, plus select titles by other authors. All of the improved bermudas described here have been developed and released cooperatively by the University of Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station and U.S. Department of Agriculture. It produces only a few viable seed and is commonly planted by vegetative means. tatyavinchu – posted 29 July 2012 14:15. Emerald zoysia is moderately winter-hardy and fairly shade tolerant, but it grows more slowly when planted in a shady yard. As its name suggests, annual ryegrass dies as summer approaches. It is well adapted as far north as Atlanta and Athens. Chaque type a aussi ses a Bermuda vs Zoysia. The hybrids also require more intensive maintenance for best appearance. It will, however, respond to good management and provide a very attractive turf. They are products of the grass breeding program of Dr. Glenn W. Burton, Principal Geneticist. It is quickly established from seed and grows well in full sun as well as moderate shade. Zoysia japonica is sometimes called Japanese or Korean lawngrass or common zoysia. It has an attractive blue-green color and forms a deep, fairly dense turf. It grows better on low, wet soils than do other grasses. Tall fescue will tolerate a wide range of soil conditions, but like most turfgrasses grows best with a soil pH between 5.5 and 6.5. St. Augustine is the most shade tolerant warm-season grass in Georgia. Tall fescue needs more water than the warm-season grasses to stay green during the summer. For additional information see Cooperative Extension Service Leaflets No. I want to use zoysia plugs to start the lawn. Carpetgrass is recommended only for lawns on wet, low fertility, acid, (pH 4.5-5.5) sandy soils where ease of establishment and care is more important than quality. Irrigation: Extremely drought tolerant. Bermuda grasses, on the other hand, tend to be less than 1/10th of an inch in blade length. Ryegrasses are also used for overseeding, that is, to provide a green cover on a warm-season grass during the winter. and fescue (Fescuta spp.) This hybrid is thought to be a vegetative mutant from the original Tifgreen nursery at Tifton. Zoysia grass grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 10, and Bermuda grass is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 7 through 10. Floratine has the finest leaf texture but is also susceptible to chinch bugs and SADV. It’s a low-maintenance grass that thrives in warm humid conditions. Founded in 1985 in Whitesburg, Georgia, NG Turf is a premier grower and distributor of turf grass serving the needs of landscapers, golf course developers and superintendents, athletic field managers, municipalities, and homeowners. How Much Traffic Will the Lawn Get? TifTuf Bermuda Vs Zenith Zoysia. Q: My lawn gets 4-5 hours of sunlight. So far I’ve left this one alone. These advertising claims are true in part, but do not tell the entire story. However, the newer hybrid bermudas are generally far superior. Zeon ® Zoysia. Alpharetta Lawn Service mowing Summer grasses Process . Carpetgrass is a perennial, coarse-leaved, creeping grass which grows in the central and southern regions of the state. > Bermuda vs Zoysia. Zoysia vs Fescue vs Bermuda. Bermuda is the dominate turf grass in Alpharetta Georgia. Carpetgrass may be planted by seed or sprigs. Zoysia vs Fescue vs Bermuda. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) are suited for temporary cool-season turfgrasses throughout Georgia. All bermudas thrive in hot weather but perform poorly in shade. Would it be advisable to intermix fescue to provide a ground cover for the plugs as they get established? This is the zoysia often advertised as the “super” grass in newspapers and magazines. It is relatively disease resistant and makes a dense, weed-resistant turf when properly managed. Good luck,DavidCharlotte, NC. There are two basic types of Zoysia … Legacy post . Common Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon). Emerald zoysia is a hybrid between Zoysia japonica and Zoysia tenuifolia that was developed in Tifton, Georgia. Top. Most are adapted to the entire state and form an excellent turf when properly established and managed. While it does best in partial shade, it will grow in open sun if adequate moisture is present. El Toro is a relatively new zoysia that was developed in California and looks like Meyer. St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum). After just a few consecutive days of cold, it can turn straw-like and lose its color. For example, twenty years ago my neighbor had table-top sized patch of zoysia in his bermuda lawn. Two-inch diameter plugs planted on 6-inch centers, will cover completely in 12 months if irrigated and fertilized properly. Is this bermuda is coming from my old lawn or could the new sod have been contaminated with it? For Professionals. Learn warm season grass identification and grass care. Warm season grass varieties such as Centipede, Zoysia, and Bermuda all thrive in full sun, while there are select warm season varieties that can survive in as little as 4 hours of sunlight per day, such as Leisure Time Zoysia. If you have full sunlight, I’d say Bermuda grass is better than Zoysia out on sports fields or in higher traffic areas where it’s important to have grass that recuperates faster from traffic and damage. But recently I’ve noticed bermuda growing in the zoysia. Tifway (Tifton 419) Bermudagrass. If you're comparing two lawns side-by-side, it's useful to know that zoysia goes dormant later in the fall than does Bermuda grass. 2016-05-11 . A lush green lawn is always soothing to eyes and it also adds to the aesthetic appeal of the residential or commercial complexes where they are grown. They also produce no viable seed and must be planted by vegetative means. There are many varieties which grow well in and north of the upper piedmont areas of Georgia. Meyer zoysia, also called “Z-52,” is an improved selection of Zoysia japonica. There are a lot of additional factors that will determine success when planting either grass in partial shade. Q: I want to convert my lawn from a weedy bermuda and centipede mix to zoysia. It has a dark green color, a very fine leaf texture, good shade tolerance, high shoot density, and a low growth habit. Tifway II looks like Tifway and has the same desirable characteristics, but makes a denser turf, is more frost tolerant, often greens up earlier in the spring and provides slightly better turf quality. This helps you will have success with a wider variety of site and soil conditions. Which is the best for your situation? Growing and maintenance of Zoysia Grass in the state of Georgia. ... Walter Reeves: The Georgia Gardener on Bermuda, Zoysia or Seashore Paspalum; Identification and … Call to Order; 770-271-9500; Home; Sod; Our Services ; Who We Help. Emerald will develop excess thatch rather quickly if over fertilized and its cold tolerance makes it more susceptible to winter injury from the Atlanta area and north. Common bermudagrass produces many unsightly seedheads, but in spite of this fault, it is frequently used on home lawns due to the ease and economy of establishment. They do look simular though and are both warm season grasses. North Georgia Turf products “hold up” after we leave the job site. Kentucky bluegrass can become semi-dormant during hot weather, and grows best in a fertile soil with a pH of 6 to 7. There are many factors that can determine which turf you choose, but first, Let’s dive into the basics of each grass. Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea). It spreads by long above-ground runners or stolons. Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of this grass is its sensitivity to the chinch bug. Bermudagrasses (Cynodon Spp). azalea Bermudagrass birds bulbs centipede compost crape myrtle disease dogwood drought ferns fertilizing Fescue georgia herbicides hydrangeas insects invasive ivy lime maple mowing mulch oak ornamental pine planting pre-emergent pruning roses Roundup … Emerald will develop excess thatch rather quickly if over fertilized and its cold tolerance makes it more susceptible to winter injury from the Atlanta area and north. Zoysia: Like Fescue, Zoysia does well in full sun, but can tolerate a little shade, and like Bermuda, Zoysia sod will turn brown in cool weather. But when it comes out of dormancy in the spring, it creates a beautiful, smooth green lawn. Zoysia grasses are a bit more resistant to diseases and pests than many Bermuda species, although both types of turf fall victim to more than a few problems. A comprehensive comparison between Bermuda & Zoysia turf types offered by Tifton Turf. Centipede is the ideal grass for the homeowner who wants a fairly attractive lawn that needs little care. You can find such green patch across the United States. However, their tolerance limits to cold weather are different. Post by agrassman » Fri Dec 27, 2019 2:20 pm. People call us asking if Bermuda grass or Zoysia grass would be the best choice for their lawn project. 2016-05-11 . One of channel subscribers (Jack W) was gracious enough to share some photos of his awesome Meyer Zoysia grass lawn with me. The more common St. Augustinegrass varieties are Bitter Blue, Floratine and Floratam. Tifgreen (Tifton 328) Bermudagrass. Installed drain pipes etc. As a result, if properly managed, most turf-types will produce a better turf than K-31. This trait, along with its ruggedness, has led to its use on football fields. Both grasses green up at the same time in the spring. It is not winter hardy and should not be planted north of middle Georgia. If you live in the south, you know how difficult it is to handle and maintain your grass. Read our other article Sod vs. Its chief disadvantage is rapid seedhead production. We added zoysia to part of the backyard where the shade wasn’t allowing Bermuda to grow. Zoysiagrass. Watering is essential for this expensive type of sod. Legacy post . Learn about these types of sod and which type may be ideal for your residential, commercial, or HOA property in Buckhead, Vinings, Smyrna, and surrounding Atlanta area communities. We have installed multiple varieties of Bermuda and Zoysia. Grass Type: Zoysia/Bermuda Lawn Size: 6000 + 4000 non-irri Mower: McLane 25" Greenskeeper. Trees for more info. For example, zoysia grasses tend to have species with relatively narrow blades, or less than 1/10th inch. Frequent fertilization and close mowing, edging, and dethatching are needed to keep them attractive. 177, Prevent Centipede Decline. If you have full sunlight, I’d say Bermuda grass is better than Zoysia out on sports fields or in higher traffic areas where it’s important … It has medium leaf texture, good cold tolerance, and spreads more rapidly than the other zoysiagrasses. Therefore, it will usually remain growing and green longer in the fall and will develop color earlier in the spring. For the best appearance, most zoysias require cutting with a reel mower, periodic dethatching, and more frequent irrigation than other warm season turfgrasses. A: If you plant healthy zoysia plugs six inches apart and fertilize a couple times afterward, they should knit together in one season. But if that is not a determining factor and nobody is telling you what you have to put in there, the Zoysia grass wins every time. Tifsport (Tifton 94) bermudagrass is emerald green; keeps dark color later in fall.Low-growing, spreads rapidly, resists traffic injury. If weather allows and the turf isn’t too damp, we start in February mowing. At least they both go dormant about the same time so you don’t get that “patchy” look in the fall. Bermudes vs Zoysia Zoysia et Bermuda grass, les deux graminées de saison chaude populaires, poussent bien dans la moitié sud des Etats-Unis. The main problems for zoysia species are large brown patch, nematodes and billbugs. 354, Tall Fescue Lawn Management. Fescue planted at the same time would compete with the zoysia. The extent of Zoysia being successful depends on where you live, the chemicals to treat your lawn, and how you mow your grass. Zoysia Vs. Fescue Grass. Re: TifGrand vs. TifTuf . It usually takes two sprays, two weeks apart. Moss or ground covers are your only options there. Fescue vs. Zoysia Fescue or Zoysia Comparison Zoysia vs Fescue. Each type of turf has a number of different commercially available cultivars, some much more tolerant of certain problems th… ©2020 Walter Reeves / The Simple Gardener, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In our area of Georgia, there are three types of grass that do well—fescue, zoysia, and Bermuda grass. Be sure the area is properly prepared for sod planting. Compared to finer textured grasses like the bermudas, St. Augustine has large flat stems and broad coarse leaves. Zoysia vs Fescue vs Bermuda. In this video, Michael talks about the differences between Zoysia grass sod and Bermuda grass sod and the factors you should consider in selecting between them for Houston lawn projects. tatyavinchu – posted 29 July 2012 14:15. Learn about Bermuda grass, zoysia grass, st augustine grass, and centipede grass. Unless there is some reason due to slope and erosion, I would not include fescue with the zoysia. Emerald zoysia is a hybrid between Zoysia japonica and Zoysia tenuifolia that was developed in Tifton, Georgia. While it is aggressive, it is easily controlled around borders. Bermuda does not like colder weather, however. Re: Bermuda VS Zoysia...Why? No Comments. A: Zoysia is marginally more aggressive than bermuda. While lawn insecticides can control this insect, frequent applications are required. Over the past few years, we have had a major erosion issue in our backyard. Bermuda. When dormant, zoysia turns golden brown. Just found this site today and the posts here about Zoysia vs Bermuda really helped me decide on what grass I will use to replant my backyard with. It has a dark green color, a very fine leaf texture, good shade tolerance, high shoot density, and a low growth habit. Tifdwarf Bermudagrass. They can be used as a temporary winter cove on new lawns that have not been permanently established. Kentucky-31 (K-31) is the old, common cultivar or variety of tall fescue grown in Georgia. Then depending on the severity of that shade, one variety of St. Augustine or Zoysia may work better than another. Hot weather, full sun sods are the best choices for planting in Georgia. An expansion rate of less than a foot per year is not much to worry about when the two grasses meet at a property line. This includes care not to overfertilize, prevention of thatch accumulation, irrigation during drought stress, particularly in the fall, and maintaining a mowing height of 1-1 1/2 inches. Tifway is more frost resistant than other bermudagrasses. It has softer leaves and fewer seedheads than Tifgreen. There are many varieties of perennial ryegrass, and depending upon the environmental conditions, they may behave as an annual or perennial. Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis). It is more expensive than the St. Augustine’s that we have. Frosts and freezes will send them into a dormant state or kill them altogether. We trust North Georgia Turf sod, and will continue to use their product in the future. Les herbes des Bermudes, en revanche, ont tendance à avoir moins de 1 / 10ème de pouce de longueur de lame. Bermuda grasses, on the other hand, are negatively impacted by a large number of diseases, mole crickets and, the most serious problem, nematodes. Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) Cool-season grasses grow well during the cool months (60 degrees-75 degrees F) of the year. When it comes to hybrid Bermuda, my Zoysia patches are gaining ground against the hybrid Bermuda type at a slower rate. Tifdwarf, as the name implies, is a very short grass with tiny leaves that hug the ground very closely. Lawns planted in tall fescue tend to thin out and become “clumpy” thus requiring reseeding every three or more years. I have Meyer Zoysia and bermuda is creeping in. Climate: Both zoysia and bermuda do quite well in the heat. The bermudagrasses are adapted to the entire state and tolerate a wide soil pH. Centipede is well adapted to soils of low fertility with a pH of 5.0 to 6.0 but grows best — like most grasses — at a soil pH of 6.0 to 6.5. Zoysia can take more shade, but will not thrive in deep shade. For Landscapers & Contractors; For Athletic Fields; For Golf Courses; For Nurseries; Homeowners; Our Projects; … Warm-season grasses. Location: Atlanta, Georgia Grass Type: Bermuda and Zoysia Lawn Size: 16000 Mower: John Deere x140. They usually are established by sodding, plugging, or sprigging. More information can be obtained from Cooperative Extension Service Leaflet No. Movingshrub Posts: 2996 Joined: Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:31 pm Location: … After this grass has been mowed, new growth originates largely from the base of the plant, rather than from the branches, thereby leaving very few exposed brown stems. PREVIOUS. It is super soft and so nice. Bermuda sod can usually be purchased year-round in Georgia. For more information see Cooperative Extension Service Leaflet No. Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides). St. Augustine vs. Zoysia: The Basics Common bermuda may be planted from either seed or sprigs and with intensive management will provide a high quality turf. 313, Centipede Lawns, and No. Which is more shade tolerant? I’m trying to decide between TifTuf bermuda and Zenith zoysia. Once established, water Bermuda one to two inches per week. Par exemple, les graminées zoysia ont tendance à avoir des espèces avec des lames relativement étroites, ou moins de 1 / 10ème de pouce. A: It is coming from your old lawn. Kentucky bluegrass has a medium leaf texture and a bright, pleasing color. Most Popular Tags. The zoysiagrasses are (1) slow to cover completely, thus more costly to establish; (2) less drought-tolerant than Common bermudagrass; and (3) recommended for lawn use only when the homeowner is willing to provide the required maintenance. Both grasses can tolerate salt, drought, and some shade, although zoysia is easier to maintain. Now its time to put some soil and grass back. It requires re-seeding 1-2 times per year. It is very susceptible to winter injury and should only be planted with caution as far north as Atlanta and Athens. Then depending on the severity of that shade, one variety of St. Augustine or Zoysia may work better than another. These characteristics contribute to its use on golf greens and make it less desirable than the other hybrids for lawn use. La croissance maximale des deux espèces n'est souvent pas obtenue à cause du fauchage. 2016-05-11 . A: Both grasses are “somewhat“ shade tolerant. Carpetgrass (Axonopus affinis). Most zoysias grow very slowly when compared to other grasses. It's great grass, just doesn't have the darker color of Tifgrand. They grow vigorously during this time and become brown and dormant in winter. No Comments. If someone asks, “would you put Bermuda grass or Zoysia grass in your yard,” I’m putting Zoysia every time. Perhaps the most popular grass in the mountain and upper piedmont areas of Georgia is tall fescue. Zoysiagrass. Zoysia: Prefers Sun, Tolerates Traffic & Heat Some days its beautiful and 3 days later it is freezing. Legacy post . chLearn about Maintaining Bermuda and Zoysia Check out our Blog! Learn about these types of sod and which type may be ideal for your residential, commercial, or HOA property in Buckhead, Vinings, Smyrna, and surrounding Atlanta area communities. Zoysia is not nearly as invasive as bermuda … Zoysia vs Fescue vs Bermuda. Going by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), the Hardiness Zones for Zoysia and Bermuda grass are different. Zeon ® Zoysia is known as the “barefoot grass” because of its fine blade and ability to thrive in both sun and shade and has a Bermuda feel and high stress tolerance. 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