Ulrich the Revanchist is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. “Have a care of how you speak to my friends,” Revan growled out as he eyed the fallen man who was helped up by his fellow guard while the three others aimed their weapons at him and his companions. He had to be careful here. The answer was something she didn’t want to face right at that moment, it was a dangerous thing to think about, let alone she might admit she actually has fallen for Revan. “Something you were reluctant to agree to, foolish sentiment Vima,” Atris shot back. 11. chapter11 “They’ve been warned,” Malak growled in anger and most of the men on the bridge trembled as they all felt the temperature drop. Community. He had planned to use it in a duel with Revan or to just assassinate him when he least expected it, but then the Jedi ambushed them and he had been given an even better chance of killing Revan without too much risk to himself. He passed two medics who were clearly on the way to see to the injured man not knowing it was already too late. “Not trusting people are you?” he mused. “Well Gryph took that as well as I thought he would, but as always he turned it to his advantage and basically said he would use our time away to earn some honest credits,” Zayne said with a smile and shake of his head in amusement at his friend’s view of things. They had fled to the prearranged sector of space Revan had planned for in the event he was betrayed. When the nightmares from Mortis continue to get worse, Anakin, persuaded by Padme, confides in the Jedi Council the man in his nightmares. Either way she noted how Zaalbar and Freyyr reacted to his words, he had won them over even if they didn’t know who he really was. ‘I appreciate your efforts to keep me out of Malak’s hands Revan, but please remember I’m still a Jedi,’ Bastila told Revan over the bond. “And we found what we were looking for. ‘A first probing attack of the Republic and Jedi’s strength or an attempt to weaken their old enemy without wasting their own resources and strength?’ she wondered. Chapter 3“What were your orders?” he asked, turning his attention back to the wounded Sith with as much menace as he could muster. He had acted in the best interests of the tribe, but he had been stupid and stubborn. ‘Could she survive prolonged contact with such darkness without being changed?’ he wondered. “Mission Vao isn’t it?” he inquired with a smile as Jarael looked on wondering what they were talking about. “You show us where this Freyyr is and you can join us, but I warn you, the business we are involved in will be bloody with a lot of fighting,” he warned. “What did you say old man?” he asked, not having caught what Jolee had said due to his internal conversation with Bastila. She didn’t say his name as his new one still felt foreign to her, and right now she was unsure just who she was addressing. They shouldn’t ignore the suffering of the thousands of slaves that existed in the galaxy, just because it was supposedly outside their jurisdiction. “Just because I joined the Jedi that doesn’t mean I don’t have a mind of my own Bastila,” he told her, trying to be careful not to give himself away. “They will not surrender or give up until we are dead and more than likely considering Malak’s actions on Taris, you will end up in his hands,” he said, cutting her off before she could start. Why did you stay with us?” Bastila asked, deciding she may as well ask as they were lowered down and it seemed to be a long way down so she had time to get the answer she wanted. The tears came anyway, crying softly she fell into a troubled sleep. But obviously the cowards had run and gone into hiding, all that remained now were those loyal to him and his vision of the Sith. He had learned quickly to be prompt where Malak was concerned, and to never question the man’s orders if he wanted to live. “It’s a long story, one I will have to tell eventually, but for now I can’t say anything,” Revan quickly responded. Chuundar grunted as he tried to hold off two separate attacks. Community. “Now isn’t the time for that answer, we have work to do, so put it out of your minds and focus,” Revan finally told them in response. Mission you stay with Carth and work together when the fighting starts,” he ordered to which both nodded although Mission looked slightly annoyed at being singled out. Work Search: I've read a lot of Harry Potter being Darth Revan, but I've never come across a female version. 2. There was also Darth Nihilus the so called Lord of Hunger, he had been one of the Jedi most affected by Malachor V and it had created in him a hunger for life energy to sustain him. “Then Revan and Malak, two men I had followed and trusted returned with their fleet and began the nightmare all over again,” he continued as he stared out the cockpit window, his eyes were dead as he spoke. “You said former Jedi, does that mean you turned?” she inquired. “Our team found him and two Wookiees dead at the bottom of the lift leading to the Shadowlands. Jolee let out a quick chuckle at her question. Revan was watching Bastila’s eyes just as she watched his, watching for signs of deceit that she knew he was faking being the puppet the Jedi council had hoped to create. I could teach you things that would leave you begging for mercy,” he warned, but neither Revan nor Bastila believed his threat was serious. He had bombed Taris to keep it out of the Jedi’s hands. Seeing most of his guards were taken down he began to panic somewhat. Carth pulled his blasters and opened fire as did Canderous who threw Zaalbar’s bowcaster to the Wookiee first. Half of her dreaded to find out and the other half couldn’t wait to learn the answer. “Sadly Jaks felt the full brunt of it due to the force bond we share,” she added as she rubbed her forehead. “Names Jolee Bindo, former Jedi,” he introduced himself taking in the fact they were still on guard and armed. Her suspicions had been raised once more by his knowledge of things he should not know. “Rikka, what are you doing out here?” Meetra asked as she put her own weapon away now that the threat of bloodshed was gone. Not only to help Zaalbar, but to help bring balance back to your planet,” Revan answered knowing he was throwing Bastila off guard, which worked to his advantage in gaining her trust. I became the Gravemind. 143 Favourites. Never in her wildest dreams has she expected that admission. “How big was this empire, Rikka?” Meetra finally asked once the video stopped playing. Knowing it was the best she was going to get Bastila decided to just accept it. “We have been consulting with the Chancellor all day, things have taken a turn for the worse I’m afraid,” she admitted with a tired sigh. 15 year old Rose Dorea Potter is being ostracized by everyone after declaring the return of Voldemort. “What about Nord?” Malak finally asked not caring how long he had kept the Admiral waiting. Revan ducked and dived out of the way of Nord’s sword, the force gave him warning not to let the blade touch him. And knowing his hatred of slavers she could well imagine what he thought of the Hutt’s, even she was not ignorant of the Hutt’s business dealings in that regard. “I will grant you your request if you do me a favour, in the Shadowlands is another ‘madclaw’ who needs to be killed before he causes any more trouble,” he informed them. The main difference was Mission was a Rutian Twi’lek and blue skinned which was more frequent on Ryloth; Rikka was a Lethan Twi’lek with the rare red skin. “Fine, we’ll forget this outburst but the landing fee is now doubled,” the guard stated. The questioning of captured Wookiees revealed the rebellion was begun by a Wookiee Chieftain called Freyyr whose outlawed son seemed to be one of Revan’s companions,” he continued. Mission was seated of the side looking pretty miserable as Zaalbar had been kept in the chief’s hut with his brother. “Don’t test me,” he stated before he turned to follow the chosen guard. Kreia was someone he trusted and she had been loyal to the cause before he was betrayed by Malak. Those old fools lost my respect the day they ignored a danger rising in their own mists,” Jolee spat in no little anger, surprising both Revan and Bastila. Zaalbar looked shocked to see his father enter as Chuundar had told him he had been killed years ago. Revan force pushed him away, allowing him to nod in thanks to Bastila. Malak is relentless and without Revan’s more controlled advance he is striking in multiple places drawing our forces into battles where they are hopelessly outnumbered,” she explained. Especially one who wasn’t indoctrinated by the Jedi code, Jolee said he had quit the Order which meant his training wasn’t complete and he may have views which were counter to what the Jedi believed. This work could have adult content. “We have to go to Tatooine anyway, I guess seeing her couldn’t hurt,” she finally said aloud although only Revan could tell she didn’t meant that. Entering her room she moved to the window and stared out into the dark Coruscant sky. “That is a story for another time Bastila, for now I will make you a deal,” Revan responded, stopping and turning to her. left kudos on this work! He turned away sickened by the sight, it reminded him of the war and what the Mandalorians were capable of. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). And why had Malak betrayed Revan?’ she wondered. He knew for a fact there was no Revan loyalists left in the Sith Empire so he didn’t fear releasing this news. “Bastila, the reprogrammed Revan and their group is our best bet of that and we must have faith that they will succeed,” he stated with belief. “So it is you,” Bastila said, feeling intense shock that she had been right, Revan was still alive. He remembered seeing Bastila in the cage the Black Vulkars had stuck her in and the rather flimsy garments they had put her in had immediately gained his attention. Revan’s eyebrow rose in surprise as he suddenly realized who had arrived, he remembered Alek’s tales of meeting both these individuals at the beginning of their attempts to convince the council to go to war. for Unknown Revanchist. “Worse, unlike Revan who captured planets almost undamaged and kept their infrastructure intact, Malak is raising whole planets into cinder uncaring of their military importance,” she finished. The Masters said as much whenever the topic was raised, and yet they did little to actually combat the Hutt’s empire or hunt down their slave masters. “It would seem so my Lord, he and his group helped free the first village and from there inspired the Wookiees to take back their planet,” Karath agreed. “Wait,” she ordered. “Yes my Lord,” Karath responded with a salute before moving to carry out his order. “We heard,” Jarael said with a bitter and horrified look in her eyes. He had put a secret plan into effect with those who he trusted the most to flee should Malak betray him. The Czerka guards managed to try and form a battle line, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer mass of Wookiees. I suggest we keep it as it may belong to one of the Wookiees or their families,” he suggested as he put it into Bastila’s pack. 8/17/2015 c1 david.teague.3950 Normally I'd pass this story up as there isn't that much to it, but I must say it's rather cute in a way. Zayne’s unique ability with the Force may come in handy fully trained as a Jedi or not. She didn’t know why they wanted to see her, but she guessed it might have something to do with Revan, even reprogrammed as he had been she knew he was dangerous. “It is okay Jaks, people say things in anger they don’t mean” Bastila said finally. Revanchist definition is - of or relating to a policy designed to recover lost territory or status : of or relating to a revanche; also : advocating or fighting for the recovery of lost territory or status. “Hey watch who you are calling old, kid,” Jolee shot back with a slight glare. Bastila frowned at the slip and she felt a sudden drop in temperature as Revan stared at her. He watched as one rather angry Wookiee picked up one of the remaining guards and then broke his back. Deciding against contacting them she headed for the Ebon Hawk. He had played along with their plans no matter how much it had angered him. His supposed retraining or what the Jedi would have him believe to be his actual training as a Jedi had been a sham. “A secondary planetary fleet has arrived in orbit around the planet, making an attack much more costly and will take more time to plan for,” he continued. He couldn’t help but chuckle as she saved his life once more. Considering this he prayed some of his loyal followers had escaped the purge he was certain Malak would have enacted. ‘What did you mean by taking on the mantle of the Sith to save the Republic?’ Bastila questioned him in real confusion. “We should have removed him permanently and ensured there was no way for him to come back,” she argued. She watched as he turned and flung his lightsaber straight into the man’s chest, it then returned to him as he recalled it through the force. She had been the first to judge her guilty and voted for exile. They had never met during Zayne’s time as a fugitive. Meetra stared at Rikka as she digested the answer she had been given, it sounded like something Revan would choose to do if he felt it was necessary. 6. chapter 6 “Instead they chose to wipe my identity out with their combined powers, wanting to ensure I would never be a threat to them again,” he continued. He and Malak were still friends and both still committed to the cause. “Kid yourself if you must Bastila, but don’t tell me you have not noticed the spreading darkness within the heart of the Republic,” Revan replied as he forced his boot back down on the Sith who had tried to remove his foot, but with little effect. “When was our last contact with her?” Vrook inquired, deciding for now to let the Revan matter drop but in no way was he going to let his guard drop where he was concerned. He had learned from Malak’s tales of him that Zayne seemed to accomplish things he had no right doing, clearly the Force was with him. “This gets stranger and stranger. “You okay, Bastila?” Carth’s concerned voice broke through her troubled thoughts and made her glance over at the Republic pilot. “Your Jedi friend asked us too, he raised some good points as to why we should join you,” Jarael added, even as she tried to forget what may happen should Malak capture either of them. He had learned from Revan that killing your own people, unless they deserved it, was counterproductive and could cost him the loyalty of his followers and he needed them to win this war. “Ran into some serious trouble and my ship was destroyed over Taris,” Carth answered with a sigh. ‘I morn who he was Bastila,’ Revan answered over the bond. “Do you really think Malak would come after us?” Jarael asked in fear. Those accounts Malak had access to was only a small number he had decided to share with his former friend at his insistence. We’ll have to go there to get entry into the Shadowlands,’ Revan added without thought before cursing himself inwardly at the second slip up he had just made. The Wookiee guard moved out of the way and watched closely as the five humans fought. Jedi don’t torture,” she spat in anger as she tried to push him away. “I’m sorry Bastila that my means of keeping you safe don’t sit well with you, but when one is at war one uses any means to survive,” Revan told her. “No, just that it was very important and that she didn’t have much time left to look for you, although I’m not sure what she meant by that,” Zayne answered, hoping it didn’t mean anything bad. There were few pictures of Revan without his ever present mask, but Nord had seen his face ones and recognized one of Bastila Shan’s companions as Revan. Revan stared at the chief of the Wookiee village they had been brought to in disgust, it was clear this so called chief was actually compliant with the slavery of his own people. They may try it once more if they knew the truth. Notes: This is a complete AU of the Knights of the old republic 1 and 2 story line and starts on Kashyyk with a new twist on how things could have gone. Juhani stared at him for a few seconds as the memories of her past came forward, her time on Taris where she had been captured and enslaved by Xor the slave master of Taris’s under city. Chuundar let out what he considered an unimpressed laugh, but inside he felt a shiver at the look the human had given him. “Master, we have the information you require including all we could find on the defenses Dantoonie and the Jedi Enclave has,” the team leader, one of the two Sith warriors in the team, stated as they all bowed before him. Did Malak truly lay waste to Telos on his own merit or was he simply following Revan’s orders? Just In. 3/28/2016 c2 2 revan193 While a KOTOR/Halo crossover seems interesting, the title of this fanfic can make the readers think that it will concerns Revan BEFORE he was mind-controlled by the Sith emperor Vitiate and the Mandalorian wars “I’m surprised the council would reveal our location to anyone,” Bastila said in surprise. Finally they entered the village again and were taken straight to the hut where they found Mission, Canderous and Carth being held. “To be honest I don’t know what I’m any more, Sith, Jedi neither really suit me,” he mused aloud. “About damn time” Canderous said with a smile and a glint in his eyes. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. He would hand you to Malak knowing you would be tortured and demeaned,” he told her in his coldest voice. That depended on how many had escaped and if they had enough ships as well. Nord laughed as he pulled a thermal detonator from his pocket. (collapse), tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic (Comic). These men had been slavers. “I have to much to do without their interference,” he told him. More. “Are you out of your mind?” Bastila asked, using her shock to her advantage to cover how his admission had affected her. In fact he had become the monster they were supposed to be pretending to be. Especially love, she hadn’t known anything about any romantic entanglements in Revan’s life, not that he would have made such a thing known as he was still a Jedi up to the point he vanished into the outer rim. It had the desired effect she had hoped for, any intent for violence Revan had vanished as he felt her light touch, and he turned to her in surprise as she gave him a small glare which told him she had known what he had almost done. “I apologize for my weakness in my emotional control,” she offered as she finally stood back up aware they had a large crowd which included the Wookiees. Monster? ” Bastila said, thinking quickly to cover his slip up reaction to.! One minute I ’ m sorry Revan, that fact stunned her Considering your talents would... Reacted when she actually thought over this revelation she found herself almost blushing pleasure... They ’ re the supposed protectors of the old Republic series force be with him against all others he Bastila. What you are not a Jedi and you can store your preference and never be again... So he didn ’ t something she couldn ’ t lying to her friend had said Telos! To Carth ’ s face of fandom come to her lightsaber Malak bombed it into ruin, she. 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